Startup a node service

Download the file from the download page, and unzip it in a folder.

Install and run a node service

Batch method (recommend)

Run xihenode.bat as administrator. Choose [1] Install XiHeNode to install the node as a service, then choose [2] Start XiHeNode to start the node service.

install by batch

Command method

Run a console window as an administrator. Run install and start commands in the unzipped folder.

xihenode.exe service install
xihenode.exe service start

install by cmd

Update the node service

Batch method (recommend)

Run xihenode.bat as administrator. Choose [3] Stop XiHeNode to stop the node service, and then replace the old files with new unzipped files, and choose [2] Start XiHeNode to start the node service at last.

Command method

Run a console window as an administrator. Stop the node service and replace the old files with new unzipped files and start the node service.

xihenode.exe service stop
:: replace old files with new files
xihenode.exe service start

Visit and control the node

Open a browser and visit the address - http://localhost:8110.

You have to log in when you are first open. The default password is admin. You also can reset the password by the login dialogue.


All running nodes will be saw after login.

Create a node

Click the plus button on the top-right, select the kind of work and then confirm to create a node.


Edit a node

Click the more button on the right of the node, and choose the edit option to edit the node. You can rename the node in the edit dialog.


Delete a node

Click the more button on the right of the node, and choose the delete option to delete the node.


Kind of work and work

A node with a different kind of work completed different work. You can follow the below table to see more detail.

Kind of work Work
Path Tracing Rendering Render the scene from the frontend. Please visit the render page for more detail.